Orphan Drugs Publications Collection in Mendeley Library

Olivier Wellman-labadie, Youwen Zhou (2010) The US Orphan Drug Act : Rare disease research stimulator or commercial opportunity ?, Health policy 95(2-3), p. 216-228, Elsevier Ireland Ltd, url, doi:10.1016/j.healthpol.2009.12.001

Stefano Villa, Amelia Compagni, Michael R Reich (2009) Orphan drug legislation : lessons for neglected tropical diseases, Intellectual Property(April 2008), p. 27-42, doi:10.1002/hpm

Wouter P C Boon, Ellen H M Moors, Stefan Kuhlmann, Ruud E H M Smits (2008) Demand articulation in intermediary organisations : The case of orphan drugs in the Netherlands, Social Change 75, p. 644 - 671, doi:10.1016/j.techfore.2007.03.001

Zaur Rzakhanov (2008) Regulatory policy , value of knowledge assets and innovation strategy : The case of the Orphan Drug Act, Research Policy 37, p. 673-689, doi:10.1016/j.respol.2007.12.009

Ellen H M Moors, Jan Faber (2007) Orphan drugs : Unmet societal need for non-profitable privately supplied new products, Research Policy 36, p. 336-354, doi:10.1016/j.respol.2006.12.006

Irina Kesselman, Deborah Elstein, Avi Israeli, Raul Chertkoff, Ari Zimran (2006) National health budgets for expensive orphan drugs : Gaucher disease in Israel as a model, Blood 37, p. 46 - 49, doi:10.1016/j.bcmd.2006.05.002

Christopher Mccabe, Karl Claxton, Aki Tsuchiya, White Rose, Sheffield S, York Yo (2005) Orphan drugs and the NHS : should we value rarity ?, October 331(October)

Patrice Trouiller, Piero Olliaro, Els Torreele, James Orbinski, Richard Laing, Nathan Ford (2002) Public health Drug development for neglected diseases : a deficient market and a public-health policy failure, The Lancet 359, p. 2188-2194

P Trouiller, C Battistella, J Pinel, B Pecoul (1999) Is orphan drug status beneficial to tropical disease control ? Comparison of the American and future European orphan drug, Tropical Medicine and International Health 4(6), p. 412-420