10 Sep Pharma Competitive Intelligence using open source data & visualization tool
In conjunction with the Institute of innovation and knowledge management Ingenio, the Vantage Point institute is sponsoring the 6th Global TechMining Conference on September 13, 2016 at the Universitat Politècnica de València. I will have the pleasure to present a new approach of Pharma Competitive Intelligence, at the cross-road of technology forecasting and knowledge management, using open source data as sources of information for drug R&D, and a versatile visualization tool such as Tableau software to visualize trends across market, bringing real-time clinical data, across geographies and demographics for pipeline decision makers. The analytical process that transforms disaggregated market and competitor data into relevant strategic knowledge could help biotech startups as well academic laboratories to manage flow of CI information, learn about new technologies and industry R&D trends, and benefits to discovery platforms and reduces R&D risks and costs.

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